Featured Artists

Hunt Slonem

Hunt Slonem   is an artist who combines representational and abstract expressionism imagery.

Born in 1951 h e is best known for his paintings of tropical birds, based on a personal aviary in which

he keeps about 100 live birds of different species. His fascination with exotica can be traced to his experiences

as a child in Hawaii and as a foreign exchange student in Managua, Nicaragua. Slonem went to  Tulane

University ,where received his Bachelor of Arts Degree from  and studied painting at Skowhegan School of

Painting and Sculpture.  Slonem has had over 150 solo exhibitions and over 75 museums internationally include

his work in their collections including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Guggenheim Museum, both in

New York.

Hunt owns several homes including two Plantations in Louisiana and the Cordt Mansion

 in Hudson, New York, as well as several lofts in New York City.


"One of his featured works in Gallery Modern "



Al Razza

Razza was born in Providence, Rhode Island in 1954. He moved to South Florida in 1979, and currently resides in Coral Springs with his wife Sheila and daughter Alicia. Educated in New England, Razza received a Bachelor of Fine Art Degree from Massachusetts College of Art in 1977.


He also attended the Art Institute of Boston, the University of Rhode Island, and Florida Atlantic University. In 1982, while working on a Masters Degree at Pratt Institute in New York, he was awarded an assistantship and two fellowships. In 1991, Razza won one of the first South Florida Consortium Fellowships, awarded for artistic excellence by the South Florida Art Consortium and the National Endowment for the Arts; which included a $15000 stipend.


His work has been exhibited in museums, and galleries, and is included in many private and public collections. He has taught in the Broward County, Florida School System, and was an instructor at the Coral Springs Museum of Art for 10 years. He is the owner of the Design Crafters Inc. now doing business as Razza's School of Art, located in Coral Springs.

Sculpture-Mixed Media-Dance of the Chains, The Living Art Project






Painting-Acrylic-Fractal Green


Purvis Young



Purvis Young February 4, 1943 – April 20, 2010 was an American artist. In the 2006 feature length documentary film, Purvis of Overtown. came celebrating  one of South Florida's most celebrated artists.

Young,  a self-taught artist was born in the Miami's Liberty City district and lived in Overtown  , Young communicated a social message with his work, depicting poverty, crime and other social issues of his hometown community . He painted on discarded objects as his canvases, including doors, cardboard, and pieces of wood. Young often stated that he turned his life around through art, after serving a prison term for breaking and entering in the mid-1960s. His work is exhibited in hundreds of museums, galleries and private collections



Young lived in a nursing home and used a wheelchair in his final years, the result of an extended struggle with diabetes . He died at Jackson Memorial Hospital in 2010 and is missed by many .

Be sure and ask about the signature creations  at Art Gallery Modern



Alexander Gore

He experienced the overwhelming feeling of freedom after arriving in New York city. In the following years, he traveled for many months in Central America, experiencing the primitive beginnings of man, art and life. The influence of Central American and Caribbean art is visible in Gore's current work.

After 10 years of painting in New York, the artist moved to Miami The great change of the light and shade prompted him to paint weightless forms unknown to nature: he unlocked his vital energy and creative spirit.

Gore's style of art reflects a powerful surrealist influence and incorporates his many travel experiences. He paints abstract and semi-abstract forms, weightless in time and space. His art expresses an alternative view of reality- one without borders or limitations.

"The curved line is a basic element of nature. It has a vitality and energy unknown to the straight line". Gore has created his own style of art the he calls "Agorism", a style based on that principle.

Gore's work has been shown in many museums, art galleries and auction houses around the world, including Washington D.C., New York and Miami.


Mark  Adams

(coming Soon )


Art Gallery Modern

5505 South  Dixie Highway

